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Magnacool en Grèce

Fier de sa portée mondiale, Magnacool a maintenant un nouveau distributeur en Grèce.

Sevastos, who also project manage bakeries across the world, can be contacted by emailing csevastos@sevastosbakeryfood.com and you can also visit their website here https://sevastosbakeryfood.com/the-magnacooler/

We are proud to serve the baking industry globally, and have produced our product documents in a range of languages for our international customers. You can find these documents here https://www.magnacool.co.uk/product-documents

Comme toujours, vous pouvez contacter l'équipe Magnacool en appelant le +44 (0) 1159 659539 ou en envoyant un courriel à l'adresse suivante info@magnacool.co.uk



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