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Artisan Boulanger : SØDT

Chez Magnacool, nous sommes toujours intéressés par l'innovation et l'expérimentation des artisans boulangers. Ils produisent de magnifiques pains et repoussent les limites de la boulangerie dans leur quête de la perfection. Bien que la plupart des artisans boulangers soient de petite taille, nous partageons leur amour pour leur métier et reconnaissons qu'il s'agit souvent des premières étapes d'un voyage qui les mènera à une production à plus grande échelle. Dans le prochain épisode de notre série sur les artisans boulangers, nous nous sommes entretenus avec Troels Bendix de SØDT - The Hygge Bakery.

1. Please can you tell us about yourself and your bakery? SØDT is an artisan bakery in West Sussex also known as The Hygge bakery. I am from Denmark where hygge is part of the national psyche. There is no direct English translation for hygge, it is best described as a feeling of contentment and well-being found through simple pleasures. I am a trained chef and self taught baker and started SØDT with my business partner, Pawel, in 2018.

Pawel (à gauche) et Troels (à droite)

2.  How and when did you discover your passion for baking? My last job in Denmark was as executive chef for a progressive chain of bakery/cafes. It was trendsetting in Denmark with sourdough bread. Later my chef career took me to London. I found I was really missing the bread and started my own sourdough bakery in London. Sourdough baking has always been a cornerstone in my baking and SØDT bakery is founded on the same principles.

3.  Do you have a specialty? The Danish Rye Bread, which is an adaptation of an old family recipe. We have also developed a range of rye based recipes that are available exclusively from SØDT, including Ryeola which is a granola with sprouted rye and has rye as the only grain.

4.  What are your plans for the future? To grow the business and make the bread and rye products more widely available.

5.  Do you have a baking idol/hero/mentor? I spent time in California in 2000 and got to meet and hang out with my hero, Chad Robertson from Tartine bakery.

6.  Where can people buy your baking? There is a list of stockists and farmers’ markets on our website, www.sodt.co.uk We really enjoyed learning more about SØDT, its roots and ambitions! If you are a baker or know a baker that would like to be featured, get in touch!



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